We understand that in order to get the most accurate information, it’s not enough to find out from just one or two sources. Our research team gathers information from different legitimate sources, one of which are feedback and comments we receive directly from casino users and gamers. We truly appreciate our readers’ kind assistance, and we aim to respond more quickly to your useful information and requests.
To contact Virtual Malaysia, simply send us an email. We monitor our inbox 24/7 but with the increasing number of incoming mails, you might need to wait up to 2 business days for us to acknowledge your message. If you send us an email detailing a casino’s performance, we may request proof such as your username, or a screenshot of the incident in question. This is to eliminate bias and slander.
Our team is more than happy to hear from beloved readers! Please bear with us. We take some time to go through each email, mostly because we want to soak up your sweet support, and sometimes we just need to make sure we don’t miss anything. Feel free to contact us at hello@virtualmalaysia.com to:
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